Make your own drawing sensory pad with stuff around the house.

Large Freezer bags
Clear hair gel
Food coloring (liquid or gel)
Duck tape (optional)
Glitter (optional)

Fill the freezer bag with some clear gel and food coloring. I find the gel food coloring works better than regular liquid food coloring but both do work. I tried using paint but that did not work at all. After you have filled the freezer bag try and get most of the air out before you close it. Once it is closed mix it up. You can get your little one to help with this. While mixing you may need to add more gel or food coloring. When you are all done mixing you can duct tape the end to make sure it doesn’t bust open. Lay it flat and give your little one a Q-tip to practice writing and drawing. It is a great way to practice letters and numbers. You can even have a little fun and play tic tac toe.
If you’re adding glitter or other small items to the bag you might want to double up on the bag to give extra protection from holes.


#diy #crafts #kids #kidscrafts #sensory
#autism #downsyndrome #autismawareness #downsyndromeawareness #aba